Jason Lang Scholarships -an acknowledgement Alberta secondary students:

The Jason Lang Scholarships is designed to recognize and reward Alberta post-secondary students for their academic achievements. And here are the key details about the scholarship:


Scholarships worth $1,000 are awarded.


The following criteria must be met to qualify:

  • Applicants cannot be students on a visa; they must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons.
  • Furthermore, they must reside in Alberta and fulfill one of the prerequisites listed below:
  • The parent or legal guardian must be a resident of Alberta and have had permanent residency in Canada for a minimum of 12 months previous to the start of post-secondary education.
  • Alberta must have been the student’s last full-year residence prior to beginning post-secondary school.
  • Additionally, the student’s spouse or partner must have lived in Alberta permanently for a continuous period of 12 months prior to enrolling in post-secondary education.
  • There must be a full-time enrolment of the candidate in the second year or later of an undergraduate or professional program at an Albertan post-secondary institution that is eligible for public financing.
  • Assuming an 80% full course load, they should have achieved a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale in the previous fall and winter terms.
  • Next, if they are necessary for obtaining an undergraduate or professional degree, coops, exchange programs, and internships can be eligible.

If a student is enrolled in a one-year certificate program, they are not eligibleto apply for a Jason Lang Scholarship.

  • Avoid enrolling at a publicly-funded post-secondary institution during the autumn or winter semester of the following year.
  • are Louise McKinney Scholarship awardees for the same length of study.
  • They have received a maximum of three Jason Lang Scholarships in their lifetime.
  • The nominees must enroll in qualified post-secondary public schools in Alberta.

Application Procedure:

  •  Students should turn in their filled-out application to the Student Awards Office at their school.
  • In addition, the Student Awards Office at the post-secondary institution in Alberta that the student is currently enrolled in is responsible for nominating students for the selection process.
  • What’s more, for the fall term, Alberta Student Aid will mail a check to the recipient’s address in December; for the winter term, the check will arrive in March.

Additional Scholarships:

 A wide range of organizations provide numerous additional scholarships and honors.

Application deadlines:

Again,  September 15, 2024is the deadline for applications for the Fall term of the Jason Lang scholarship; January 15, 2024 is the deadline for applications for the Winter semester.

After the scholarship deadline, eligible applicants who have not been nominated will receive notification, usually one month later.

How to improve chances of receiving Jason Lang scholarships:

A combination of strong academic performance, proactive involvement, and well-thought-out planning will increase your chances of being awarded the Jason Lang Scholarship. Here are some pointers to improve your eligibility and make a compelling case for yourself:

Keep Your Grade Point Average High:

First, your academic performance holds a great consideration  when awarding the scholarship, so aim for a high GPA. Regularly attend lessons, study hard, and ask for assistance when required. If some courses are difficult for you, think about joining study groups or getting tuition.


Second,  engage in extracurricular pursuits, student organizations, or clubs. Participate in volunteer work or campus events as a volunteer. Your dedication to both community involvement and personal development is demonstrated by your active involvement.

Assume leadership skills:

Third, it is advisable, if possible, to assume leadership roles in clubs or groups. Being an event planner, team captain, or club officer shows your initiative and leadership abilities.

Write a Remarkable Personal Essay:

Fourth, write a compelling personal essay for the application. Explain your goals, achievements, and how the scholarship will enable you to continue your education. Discuss your objectives with zeal and authenticity.

Make a Strong Personal Statement:

When submitting an application, Fifth, make sure your statement is engaging. Emphasize your accomplishments, aspirations, and how the scholarship will help you further your studies. Be genuine and enthusiastic about your goals.

Recommendation letter:

Sixth, get solid recommendation letters from instructors, employers, or professors that can vouch for your moral integrity, work ethic, and intellectual prowess. Pick people who are familiar with you and can give concrete instances.

Further information of Recommendation letter…….

Examine the Scholarship Requirements:

Seventh, in order to be eligible for the said scholarship, make sure you fulfill all the conditions, then adjust your application.

Apply as soon as possible:

Eighth, applying at the last minute is not a good idea. Plan ahead of time and turn it in before the due date. Late submissions might not be taken into account.

Financial Need:

Ninth, although academic achievement is the main focus of the Jason Lang Scholarship, some scholarships also take financial need into account. If relevant, include precise details regarding your financial status.

Attend seminars and Information Sessions:

Tenth, a few academic schools provide scholarship application seminars or information sessions. Attend these to pick some useful hints and techniques.

Remain Up to Date:

Last,  pay attention to any adjustments, announcements regarding scholarships, and modifications to the application procedure. Regularly check the website or scholarship office of your university.

How can I showcase my community involvement effectively?

Create a Complete List:

Make a list of everything you do for the community to start. Include both formal and informal meetings. This could be helping out in the community, volunteering, or going to events.

Assess Your Influence:

  • Anywhere you can, quantify the impact you have. As an example:
  • How many hours did you volunteer?
  • How many people were helped by your project or idea?
  • Have you raised funds or asked for donations? To what extent, if any?

Describe Your Opinion:

Explain briefly why you are involved in each community event. Explain your job, your responsibilities, and any leadership positions you have had. Use action verbs in your descriptions (e.g., organized, led, collaborated) to make them more impactful.

Emphasize Relevant Skills:

 Think about the abilities you have acquired by involvement in the community. Did you gain any experience with leadership, teamwork, communication, or problem-solving? Mention these abilities and describe how your future objectives relate to them.

Tell a Story:

 Tell a story rather than merely enumerating tasks. Give an example of a particular experience that profoundly affected you. Give examples of your dedication and enthusiasm through anecdotes or moments.

Incorporate Diversity:

Display a wide variety of community service. This can be assisting with environmental cleanups, mentoring younger students, planning cultural events, or working as a volunteer at a nearby shelter.

Make use of Your Curriculum Vitae or Resume:

 If you have one, include a section specifically for community service on it. Be brief, but provide useful information.

Link to Your course of Study:

 Stress the relationship between your community activity and your course of study or desired professional path. For example, talk about your involvement in conservation activities if you’re studying environmental science.

Consider What You’ve Learned:

 Think back on the lessons you gained from your community activity and include them in your personal statement or scholarship application. What impact did it have on your beliefs, values, or future plans?

Success stories of  persons who got Jason Lang Scholarships  and the Louise McKinney Scholarship:

Here are a few broad instances of how students have benefited from the Jason Lang Scholarship and the Louise McKinney Scholarship:

Academic Prominence and Professional Development:

Numerous beneficiaries of these scholarships have excelled academically by using the money they were awarded. They have been able to maintain good GPAs, concentrate more on their academics, and look into research opportunities because they are under less financial stress.

A number of students have successfully pursued successful careers in a variety of sectors by using these scholarships to fund their pursuit of professional programs or postgraduate degrees.

Leadership and Community Involvement:

Recipients of scholarships frequently take on leadership positions, volunteer work, and community involvement. Their financial assistance and accolades encourage them to give back to their communities.

Some students have started or joined worthwhile groups, organizations, or projects that have benefited both their campus and the community at large.

Self-improvement and self-assurance:

Scholarships boost students’ self-worth and confidence. They get inspiration to seek higher and create more ambitious goals when they know that their hard effort is appreciated and rewarded.

Students frequently serve as brand ambassadors for these scholarships, encouraging others to apply for similar opportunities and pursue success.

Keep in mind that every success story is different, and that numerous students’ lives have been significantly improved by these scholarships.


  • What is Jason Lang’s scholarship?

An initiative to recognize and honor outstanding academic achievement among Alberta’s post-secondary students is the Jason Lang Scholarship. It is encouraged by the recipients to pursue graduate or undergraduate degrees in further study.

  • What is the total amount of scholarships Jason Lang awards each year?

The exact number of scholarships awarded varies annually. It won’t be available to every candidate, even if it is given to multiple students.


A valuable opportunity for qualifying students to receive financing for their studies is provided by the Jason Lang Scholarship. If you meet the qualifications, consider applying!

Further more information of scholar ship

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